Monday, November 19, 2012

Book Giveaway, Day Sixteen

Photo courtesy Erik Thorson copyright 2012
It's an urgent morning ritual. As soon as I get up, Solo, Kevin's little German Shepherd/mystery breed, comes dancing up to greet me. I'm sure she's glad to see me, but what she really needs is her morning walk.

I slip my husband's big coat over my robe and pajamas and take her outside. This morning it's rainy and cold. I shiver as she noses along before me and strains on the leash. It's not even winter yet, and I'm thinking of spring already. Just a month ago, I was tired of summer and ready for the lovely cool days of fall.

Today I'm thankful for the seasons, not only in nature, but in my life. This world would be boring with nothing but sunshine every day. It would be unbearable with twelve months of subzero weather or triple-digit heat. The ebb and flow of joy and sorrow, challenge and victory, light and darkness, are necessary for the proper feeding of my soul to produce the fruit God plans for me.

The seasons teach us about growth and change and death. They promise glory in the harvest, rest from our labors in winter's blanket, and the miracle of the resurrection with every spring. Every season has its beauty and its struggles. And each new season brings a deeper understanding of the Mind from which it sprang.

Every season is a gift.

Whatever season you are in, I pray that God reveals Himself to you in new and unexpected ways. If you are in a bitterly cold place right now, I want to remind you that no season lasts forever on this side of eternity. Trust in your Creator, stay close to the warmth of His love, and remember a new season is on the way.

On either side of the river was the tree of life,
bearing twelve kinds of fruit,
yielding its fruit every month;
and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
Revelation 22:2

Don't forget to enter the giveaway for a free, hardcover copy of Song in the Night. There are four ways to enter the book giveaway:  leave me a comment,  "like" us on Facebook  become a member of this blog, or send me an e-mail at

Song in the Night is the true account of our son's devastating spinal cord injury in 1997, the fight to keep the doctor from pulling the plug, and God's subsequent miraculous work in our lives. You will be encouraged and inspired by our story.

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