Sunday, November 18, 2012

Book Giveaway, Day Fifteen

Photo courtesy Erik Thorson copyright 2012
Chronic illness, disability, and caregiving often require a massive shift in priorities. Until Kevin's injury, we almost never missed church on Sunday mornings. Often we were involved in church leadership and spent many hours during the week at church, too. The photo above is of one of the small-town churches we ministered in over the years. This one especially captured my heart.

Church attendance is a rare treat for us now. This morning I sat alone in the wee hours of the morning at the keyboard, plugged in the headset so I wouldn't disturb the sleeping household, and played some of my favorite songs on the keyboard to an audience of One.

Today I thank God for the body of believers, the Church. I praise Him for giving us the freedom to attend services at the building of our choosing. I am grateful for the many, many wonderful hours of fellowship I have had with people across many denominations. Dear friends, I love you all. I'm thinking of you this morning.

May we never take for granted the wonderful gift we have been given to worship in freedom. May we never lose it.

Don't forget to enter the giveaway for a free, hardcover copy of Song in the Night. There are four ways to enter the book giveaway:  leave me a comment,  "like" us on Facebook  become a member of this blog, or send me an e-mail at

Song in the Night is the true account of our son's devastating spinal cord injury in 1997, the fight to keep the doctor from pulling the plug, and God's subsequent miraculous work in our lives. You will be encouraged and inspired by our story.


Amy Parks said...

Pam, I love the heart you put in your posts. What sweet thoughts you have for our family of believers. Thank you for the reminder to be appreciative of them in this season of thanksgiving.

Pam Thorson said...

Thanks, Amy! I appreciate the comment. Your name has now been entered twice in the book giveaway. Blessings!