You're Invited...
to a very special celebration of life!
I know I haven't been around here a lot lately. It's been for a good reason: I've been hard at work with my son Kevin on my new WordPress website at
Today it's almost finished. It's definitely time to invite you to join me there! I think you're going to enjoy the new features. The website and blog are conveniently located in one place. Be sure to check out the blog posts; I've added pictures and updated them, and from now on all new posts will be posted there.
I love the sliders and resource features. Simply click on the picture to go to the post. Now you can get to CMADDICT.COM to find the newest Slightly Obsessed devotional every Wednesday just by clicking the link there.
I'm especially excited to introduce a new series called Unstoppable, which features the true stories of real families who are conquering life's challenges one day at a time. If you're looking for the story of the popular little three-legged pony named Molly, you'll find it there. She's not an urban legend - she's a real survivor of the Katrina hurricane and a victor in her own right with her amazing owner Kaye Harris.
If you know a family that deserves to be featured in a future story, feel free to nominate them by sending me a message on the contact page. Be sure to ask their permission first before you send me their names and e-mail address.
I hope you make the move with me. And check in frequently, because we're not done yet. There's more to come!
Special thanks to Kevin for his hard work, patience, and expertise in helping me create the new site. It's time to party!
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